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Metal Metallurgy Forging Equipment

Metallurgy is a science which studies both the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements. It is also related to their intermetallic compounds and mixtures, called alloys. Metallurgy refers also to the technology of metals and the way in which science has been applied to their practical use. Metallurgy is therefore described differently to the craft of metalworking.

Metallurgical engineering is defined by The Free Dictionary as: The science that deals with procedures used in extracting metals from their ores, purifying and alloying metals, and creating useful objects from metals, and also the study of metals and their properties in bulk and at the atomic level.

Metallurgical engineering deals with the fabrication of metallic constituents for use in engineering products. A metallurgical engineer will therefore be involved in the production of alloys, their shaping, the heat treatment used, and the surface treatment of the product. The responsibility of the metallurgical engineer is to achieve a correct balance between the various properties of the material concerned, such as its cost, weight, strength, toughness, hardness, corrosion, fatigue resistance, and the performance of the metal in temperature extremes.

Metal forging is a process which requires huge compressive forces being applied to a metal to deform it from its current shape, and then it gets re-formed to the desired geometric shape. The metal forging process is massively important in the manufacture of industrial metal, especially in the steel and iron manufacturing industry. Metal is placed into a forge and then is often rolled in a rolling mill to create the new desired shape. The finished result is often one where the properties of the metal have been vastly improved in strength etc.

Various kinds of equipment are used for forging metal, including the following:
Hammers which can have a driving force of up to 50,000 pounds. These hammers rhythmically beat the metal into shape using controlled and high pressure blows.
Presses have a driving force of up to 50,000 tons. These presses squeeze the metal into shape vertically, using controlled high pressure.
Upsetters are forging presses which are used horizontally for a metal forging process known as "upsetting".
Ring Rollers are used in metal forging to turn a hollow, round piece of metal against a rotating roll using extreme pressure. The result is a one-piece ring of metal and yet there has been no welding required.

Parts created in metal forging can vary considerably in size and can be up to 700,000lbs. Modern industry requires a huge amount of different parts to be created by the metal forging industry, including landing gear for aircrafts, various structural parts for transportation equipment, including levers and gears and items such as large hooks for cranes etc.

Although the set up costs of a metal forging plant such as here at CanForge are initially prohibitively high, because we are an established and reliable company, it is now possible for us to offer to manufacture large quantities of metal forging at a mutually beneficial cost.

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